udyog mandal example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest उद्योग मंडल udyog mandal news and headlines :
1. उद्योग मंडल एसोचैम की रत्न व आभूषण पर राष्ट्रीय परिषद के चेयरमैन शंकर सेन ने कहा कि जौहरी अपनी महीने भर पुरानी हड़ताल आने वाले कुछ दिनों में पूरी तरह समाप्त कर सकते हैंlivehindustan.com2. संसद का शीतकालीन सत्र शुरू होने के साथ ही उद्योग मंडल एसोचैम ने विपक्षी दलों से वस्तु एवं सेवा कर (जीएसटी) विधेयक को पारित कराने में मदद करने की अपील की हैlivehindustan.com3. उद्योग मंडल एसोचैम ने सरकार से आगामी बजट में व्यक्तिगत आयकर छूट की सीमा को 2.5 लाख रुपये से बढ़ाकर 4 लाख रुपये करने की मांग की हैlivehindustan.com
4. उद्योग मंडल एसोचैम का कहना है कि हरियाणा में मौजूदा जाट आंदोलन के कारण सार्वजनिक व निजी संपत्ति को नुकसान पहुंचाए जाने से राज्य को लगभग 20,000 करोड़ रुपए का नुकसान हुआ हैibnlive.com 1. A 1 Believing someone to trust in something 2. and finally Justinian merged bequests and trust 3. However, trust integrated systems can be insolubilized and stored as if it were a single enzyme 4. If these conditions are not met, we recognize that our trust was betrayed 5. In Algeria, the "yes" wins overwhelmingly, but if Muslims trust de Gaulle, Europeans have voted 'yes' to integration, that is to say, the French Algeria

Given are the examples of hindi word udyog mandal usage in english sentences. The examples of udyog mandal are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., trust.

After submission of these documents, the Superintendent of the concerned port trust is approached for obtaining the carting order.

The importer has to also pay dock dues and obtain port trust dues receipt.
This receipt is known as 'port trust dues receipt'.
” Jansie said, hushed, “You can trust me, Soaf, you know that.
That is why they feel close to parties even when they do not fully trust them.
Political parties do not enjoy much trust among the people in South Asia.
The proportion of those who say their trust in political parties is 'not much' or 'not at all' is more than those who have 'some' or 'great' trust.
Resilience has recently been defined in terms of three resources: I HA E (social and interpersonal strengths), i.e. 'people around me I trust and who love me no matter what', I AM (inner strengths), i.e. 'respectful of myself and others', and I CAN ( interpersonal and problem solving skills), i.e. 'find ways to solve problems I face'.
All three had occupied high mansabdari positions and enjoyed the trust and confidence of the emperors.
Women are by nature of inferior understanding, without resolution, unworthy of trust … Many of them, on the death of their husbands, become desirous of accompanying them; but to remove every chance of their trying to escape from the blazing fire, in burning them we first tie them down to the pile.
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